Tuesday, January 18, 2011

how to celebrate your birthday 101

you will need:
friends that don't care
to be broke
a poor family
no car
and a birthday

step 1: have your friends give you lame excuses and bail on your celebration plans that you've had for a month, then have them brag on facebook about going out and having fun when they told you they were busy and didn't have the money

step 2: make sure your poor family can't afford to do anything for you for your birthday and have them mope around the house because they feel bad, in turn, making you feel worse because your friend's could have prevented this

step 3: have you mother buy brownie mix and icing mix and have her tell you that you can bake brownies for your birthday...keeping in mind that you won't be the only one eating these brownies that were made for your birthday...by you...

step 4: make sure you don't have a way to even go out and celebrate on your own birthday due to lack of funds and transportation

...and there you go! you get to eat a self-made birthday brownie and sit at home alone all day :) Happy Birthday!

signing out...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

the shithole that is my life right now...

  • my brakes in my car need replaced
  • had to quit a really good/fun job to move
  • had to move back home with my mom
  • all my stuff is in boxes and containers and in multiple places
  • all my close friends are 2 hours away
  • living with my family again is driving me crazy

the only good thing in my life right now are texts and random hang out sessions that come from an amazing guy, who will remain nameless, and even that is starting to dissipate... it's not really anyone's fault, he's just a busy guy... and I don't have a car... so it's not fair for him to have to waste all of his gas to pick me up then drive all the way out to town...and it's not like he lives just down the road, he's about 45min-1hour away...oh and the roads are sucky this time of year....

i am starting to realize how shitty my life is and i need a xanax...

signing out...

Monday, January 10, 2011

the beginning

hello blogging world! so i thought it would be fitting to use my first blog post to explain the name of my blog Overused Ellipsis. 
   it stems from an annoying habit of mine. when i make a new friend or run into an old friend and exchange cellphone numbers to text, and we start to text back and forth, they always bring up how i tend to use the ellipsis way too much. i can't help it. it just seems to be more appropriate when i'm typing/texting something out. if i use a period it makes the sentence seem stern, and a period is used to show the end of thought. however my thoughts are never ending lol. exclamations make it look like i'm screaming, and commas make it look like one big run-on sentence and that gets annoying and not all of my phrases can be classified into one run-on sentence. so i end up string my unique individual thoughts together by using an ellipsis. 
   yes people, i have thought this out. sad and pathetic, but true. i just wanted to explain the title and also at the same time warn you. my posts will have multiple ellipsises (ellipsis? ellipsi? i'm gonna have to look up the plural form of ellipsis). however,  i thought it would be ironic to have the first post of my new blog not contain any. so here we are, a blank slate. let the rants, complaints, and venting sessions begin! and who knows, maybe a happy post will be thrown in the mix somewhere lol. 

   signing out...